Learn how to use a niddy noddy to not only make a hank of yarn, but also to measure the length of your yarn.
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What is a Niddy Noddy?
A niddy noddy is a tool to easily form a hank of yarn and count the length. The basic concept is you wrap your yarn around it in a way that gives you a neat circle (or hank) of yarn. The size of the tool also allows you to easily count the yardage of that yarn so you know how much you have for your yarn project.
Why Would You Use a Niddy Noddy?
I personally use one to either organize my yarn into a hank for storage or to wash it. Since I spin and dye my own yarn, the last step is wash it, but it would be difficult to wash it while it’s a ball or still on the wheel. Therefore I use a niddy noddy to turn the yarn into a hank, which gives me a tidy loop to work with. I personally can’t recommend them enough! I even added them to my list of the best knitting and crochet gifts.
Another time you would use one is if you want to measure your yarn. Typically you’ll find 1 or 2 yard niddy noddies. They’re named this because one full loop will either be 1 or 2 yards.
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Types of Niddy Noddies
There are different types of niddy noddies, but they’re all pretty much shaped the same way and serve the same purpose. Therefore it’s more about your preference. For myself, I’m all about space-saving and portability so I have a very small one. Others make their own using PVC pipe.
3D Printed
If you have your own 3D printer, you can print your own using these files. This would definitely be the route I recommend if you can do it.
1 Yard
If not, no problem, you can find them all over Etsy, like this one from KnitInTheMittYarns. I ended up getting mine on Etsy probably 2 weeks before my boyfriend decided to get his 3D printer (womp!).
It’s a 1 yard niddy noddy, but you can also get it with or without the extender. I personally got my extender separately, thinking I would rarely use it. Turns out, I mostly use it with the extender. So if you’re thinking of getting one, I recommend also getting the extender to have more options.