Rock Polishing 101 - How to Polish Rocks with a Rock Tumbler
Rock tumbling is a great way to turn ordinary stones and minerals into beautiful, polished rocks. Learn step by step how to use a rock tumbler to get perfectly polished stones every time.
Ceramic Media Filler or Plastic Pelletssometimes included in a kit
Dish Soap
Paper Towels
1 Rock Tumbler
Mesh Bag
Small Strainer
Face Mask
Old Toothbrush and/or Pin optional
Stage 1 - Coarse Grit
Add rocks to the barrel, filling it to 1/2-2/3 full. Put on a face mask for protection (this is mine) and add the step 1 grit and water, filling it to just below the level of the stones. Use 2 Tbs of grit for each pound of rocks. Most kits like this one come with stones and grit pre-measured.
Rock Tumbling Grit, 1-2 lbs Rocks
Close the barrel and let it run for 7 days.
Check a few of the stones using the small strainer. They shouldn't have any sharp edges. You can choose to run them for longer if they still have bumps and cuts. During this step 1 is when they take their shape.
If you're happy with them, wash the rocks and barrel thoroughly. I recommend placing them back into the barrel with water and a few drops of mild soap and running it for 1-2 hours (this is the kind I use). Then rinse it out.
Dish Soap
Stage 2 - Medium Grit
Put on a face mask and add step 2 grit and water to barrel, filling it to just below the level of the stones. If there is room in the barrel, add ceramic media (like this one) or plastic pellets to fill it back to 1/2-2/3 full. Wipe the inside and outside edge of the barrel with a paper towel to dry it, then close it.
Rock Tumbling Grit, Ceramic Media Filler or Plastic Pellets, Paper Towels
Run it again for 7 days. Then check the stones again and repeat the process of either running for longer or cleaning.
Stage 3 - Pre Polish
When they're ready, put on a face mask and add step 3 pre-polish, any fillers, and water and run it for another 7 days.
Rock Tumbling Grit, Ceramic Media Filler or Plastic Pellets
Again, check the stones and run for longer if necessary or clean them thoroughly. Take extra care to clean the rocks with an old toothbrush if necessary. You can also use a pin to remove any grit particles.
Dish Soap
Stage 4 - Final Rock Polish
After they're fully cleaned, put them back into the barrel, put on a face mask, and add the step 4 polish and any necessary filler. Run for another 7 days.
Rock Tumbling Grit
Check a few of the stones by washing them with mild soap. They should be shiny and polished looking. Rinse them off and run them in one last soap cycle to clean off any film the polish may have left. Then marvel at your beautifully polished rocks!
Dish Soap
Keyword Agate, Crystal, Geology, Polishing, Rock Polishing, Rock Tumbler, Rocks, Stones